Council tenders involve services delivered to local councils. Local councils are frequently in need of contractor services. For the best chances of winning a council tender, you need a well-written tender crafted by a professional, local council tender writer. A council may need waste disposal, construction, concreting, tree-lopping or any of a wealth of other government services.
If you wish to provide your business services to your local council, you'll need to convince them that you'll do the best work for the most cost-effective rate. Our tender writers work closely with your business to really make the most of your specialties. We find out what makes you tick, then make a convincing case for your tender application. Talk us at MyConsulting today to find out more.
We are capable of writing contract tenders for virtually any industry. To maximise your chances of winning that next big project, you need a tender that really speaks to your audience - you need to let them know why you're the best in the business. Working closely with you, we uncover what makes your business really shine, injecting your business personality into the tender. Whether it's transport logistics tenders or if you need a cleaning tender writer, you can rest assured in the security afforded by a professional tender writer.
Tendering is a complex process, and requires specialist knowledge in order to avoid legal pitfalls and hurdles. Understanding how to write a tender is only part of the process - to make a tender work, it needs to be well written. Our dedicated tender writers are experts on both fronts. Get in touch with MyConsulting today and have the best of both worlds.
Tender Response Writing - Timely & Efficiently
Tenders and proposals are an important part of how we do business. A winning tender has the capacity to dramatically build a company, while a poor submission can have far reaching negative implications. For these reasons, tender writing should be done by an experienced tender writer.
Our Tender Writer service provides high quality tender and proposal responses for government and corporate projects. Outsourcing your submission to a professional tender writer gives you the best chance of winning your bid, while minimising the work involved. Tender Writers can assist you with virtually any tender or proposal, with experience producing winning bids across the following areas:
• All Levels of Government – Council, Local, State and Federal
• Healthcare & Medical– Hospital services, Disability support and Medical recruitment
• Recruitment & Employment Services
• IT Information Technology, Education
• Facilities Management - Airconditioning, Plumbing, Maintenance Services
• Civil Engineering & Critical Infrastructure
• Mining & Resources – Maintenance, Construction, Shut Down
• Finance
• Construction, Earthmoving & Building
• Security Guards & Patrols
• Cleaning - Commercial and Residential
• Plant and Equipment Hire
• Plumbing
• Land Management, Landscaping & Maintenance
• Transport, Logistics & Haulage
Price Guide
Small Tender Response
$1,845+Usually for Sole Operators, Trades
- Request for Tender is about 10-30 pages
- 3-10 days turn around
- Files in Word Doc or PDF
- Info Request
Medium Tender Response
$2,745+Usually for SME Business, Hervey Bay Council or Government tenders, all other tenders
- Request for Tender is about 20-40 pages
- 3-10 days turn around
- Files in Word Doc or PDF
- Info Request
Large Tender Response
$5,495+Usually for large companies, Hervey Bay Council or Government tenderss, all other tenders
- Request for Tender is about 20-50 pages
- 3-10 days turn around
- Files in Word Doc or PDF
- Info Request